Sunday 29 August 2010

Recipe For Disaster

Call for entries !

You've seen the work in progress, 
and here is the finished poster.

After serious downgrading, less really turned out to be more.

Click on the image for a larger view. 


To send your work in, email your details and image to

This issue, as the title notes "Recipe for disaster" invites you to submit anything you can think of that might fit in this vague category, make it as imaginative as you wish.

Bit about the process:

We like to experiment:
The final product will be silk-screen printed, 
The ink will be near invisible,
You will have to bake the zine,
150 degrees C, 5min to bring out the content. 
Don't let any of that put you off designing a cool image, 
just send us your stuff (A4 B&W) and we'll do the rest.

Bake your own zine !

Much Love, Brief Boys

Brief Zine 3

Recipe For Disaster

Hello there boyz and girls, and welcome back
to another issue of Brief's "Work in progress"

So here are a few shots from the set of 
the new Brief call for entries poster

The initial idea was to make the whole poster out
of food, the theme being recipe for disaster and all.


But as we went on, the realization set in, that there is too much clutter and texture, which detracted from the information, and over all gravity of the image. 

As you can see its an 
explosion of colour 
and texture.